Barium Sulfate Dissolver
The removal of Barium Sulfate scale by chemical means has in
the past met with only very limited success despite the numerous
tried. At the present time it is taken for granted that no chemical
claiming to have such “powers” is naturally regarded
with a great deal of skepticism. DSC BaSOL removes scale by a process
of chelation. Powerful chelating agents and surfactants are selected
for this formulation to remove scale in different environments. There
are many parameters which affect the rate of dissolution of a solid.
An attempt has been made to list each of these parameters and then
systematically addresses each one in order to quantify the relative
affect and help design an optimum treatment regime for chemical removal
of scale in the field. The following parameters play a predominant
role in scale removal: (a) MINERALOGY
DSC BaSOL has been designed to give optimum pH conditions for dissolution
of Barium Sulfate scale. DSC BaSOL has a strong buffering action
but if it is anticipated that contact with fluids will significantly
alter the alkalinity of the chemical the treatment can be designed
to minimize any possible deleterious effect on the efficiency of
scale dissolution. DSC BaSOL can be diluted to suit the application.
At dilution ratio of 1:1 with water, DSC BaSOL can dissolve scale
in a range of 22-30 g./l. The physical state of scale plays a predominant
role in dissolution rate.
Shipping & handling instructions:
DSC BaSOL is shipped in 55 gallon drums and 550 gallon stainless
steel tote tanks. A Material Safety Data Sheet outlining recommended
safe handling of DSC BaSOL is available upon request.